Information operations · Information Warfare · Russia · South Korea

Three Russian Planes Enter S. Korean Airspace, Receive 360 Warning Shots, Which Russia Denies

Two Russian Tu-95 bombers and one A-50 airborne AWACS plane entered South Korean airspace, twice, and received 360 rounds of warning shots. South Korea fires 360 warning shots at intruding Russian military aircraft The Washington Post06:00 Russia denied that South Korea fired any warning rounds. S. Korea’s claim on warning shot firings disputed by Russia… Continue reading Three Russian Planes Enter S. Korean Airspace, Receive 360 Warning Shots, Which Russia Denies

China · Information operations · Information Warfare · Russia

Russia / Strategy Ad Hoc Media Update (76)

Anonymous expert compilation, analysis, and reporting. </end editorial> Russia’s descent continues, as does its self-inflicted destabilization along ethnic and class boundaries. Curiously, China does not agree to support Russian games with the Yuan. Kazakhstan renames capital to Nur-Sultan honoring Nazarbayev. Russia seeks a second airbase in Kyrgyzstan. Much on Belarus – Lukashenko praising the EU,… Continue reading Russia / Strategy Ad Hoc Media Update (76)

Information operations · Information Warfare · Psychological Operations

South Korean Psyop Against North Korea

If this isn’t a strategic Psychological Operation against North Korea, I don’t know what is. There’s an interesting reason why South Korea is publicly talking about a ‘decapitation unit’ for Kim Jong-un A very public announcement by a South Korean Lieutenant General, where he admits, in the Business Insider article, that South Korea wants to make… Continue reading South Korean Psyop Against North Korea

North Korea · South Korea

Korea: Mind the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

Very thorough, fairly detailed, and insightful report.   Having spent more than one year studying North Korea along the DMZ and on all the corridors leading to Seoul, this report is very good.   The few flaws I did find were more cosmetic than game changers.  The only possible game changer was deep and buried artillery. … Continue reading Korea: Mind the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

Information operations · Information Warfare · North Korea · Propaganda · South Korea

Ppira: Women’s Bodies as Bait in Propaganda War Between Two Koreas

Published on July 20, 2017  by Jieun Choi A woman with curled up hair and enamel white pumps flashes her legs in an archetypal Marilyn Monroe posture — wind blows from below, ballooning up her flowing dress, which she pushes down just before revealing too much. “WHO’S STOPPING YOU?” “IF YOU RUN, IT TAKES JUST FIVE MINUTES!”… Continue reading Ppira: Women’s Bodies as Bait in Propaganda War Between Two Koreas

North Korea · South Korea

North Korean Drone Crashes In South Korea, ROK Fired 90 Shots After It Reconned US THAAD

A North Korean drone crashed in South Korea after infiltrating 160 miles, taking over 500 pictures along the way, including the US strategic air defense THAAD system Southeast of Seoul.  The drone was found crashed on the side of a mountain in a wooded area.  The below report from UPI has good detail about the… Continue reading North Korean Drone Crashes In South Korea, ROK Fired 90 Shots After It Reconned US THAAD


Korean conflict?

By Alan Wykes Speaking to senior South Koren defence and intelligence officials have highlighted the likelihood of conflict between the two countries in the immediate future. A senior intelligence officer in South Korea, who has been working serious overtime over the last few weeks believes “We will go in. It is a matter of when not if.… Continue reading Korean conflict?

Diplomacy · North Korea · South Korea

Olympic Spirit Captured in North and South Korean Selfie

Brian Padden August 09, 2016 4:44 AM SEOUL—There was a rare moment of inter-Korean friendship captured at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro when North and South Korean athletes took a selfie together. Photographers at the Olympics caught the two smiling gymnasts, Lee Eun-ju of South Korea and Hong Un Jong of North Korea, taking… Continue reading Olympic Spirit Captured in North and South Korean Selfie

Information operations · North Korea · Propaganda · South Korea

With woman running S. Korea, North’s insults turn sexist

One short paragraph in this article deserves to be highlighted: “North Korea’s overwhelmingly male-dominated culture may have something to do with it as well. Kelly says Pyongyang may not understand that sexist language disgusts many.” “Pyongyang may not understand… ”  Here, the insular nature of North Korea is to North Korea’s disadvantage. South Korean President Park… Continue reading With woman running S. Korea, North’s insults turn sexist

CounterPropaganda · Information operations · Information Warfare · North Korea · Propaganda · South Korea

In The Heart Of Seoul, A Trove Of North Korean Propaganda

Published February 4, 2016  by ELISE HU On the fifth floor of South Korea’s sprawling National Library is a place far more fascinating than its name suggests: The North Korea Information Center. Here you can read every edition of North Korea’s national newspaper, the Rodong Sinmun, dating to its first publication in the 1970s. Or… Continue reading In The Heart Of Seoul, A Trove Of North Korean Propaganda

Information operations

N.Korea ‘Confident’ in Cyber Warfare Capabilities – The Chosun Ilbo

Editorial comment:  Fairly good article, not entirely propaganda.  The warfare of words between North Korea, South Korea and the United States (and the rest of the world) is…  interesting. N.Korea ‘Confident’ in Cyber Warfare Capabilities Originally published at: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in February expressed confidence in the regime’s cyber warfare capabilities against… Continue reading N.Korea ‘Confident’ in Cyber Warfare Capabilities – The Chosun Ilbo

North Korea

A North Korean Cyberattack on South Korea is Good

It’s about time.  North Korea is attacking banks in South Korea, according to a Bloomberg report, here.  Okay, they use the word ‘possible’.  This, in response to supposed attacks by the US and South Korea last week, as I blogged about last week, here. Shadow Wars Of course, North Korea is denying responsibility for today’s… Continue reading A North Korean Cyberattack on South Korea is Good

China · Public Diplomacy · social media

Social Discourse: Gangnam Style

A long time ago, in a far off land… Okay, on July 15th in South Korea, a popular video was posted to YouTube. Psy published “PSY – GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V”  According to Wikipedia here, Psy is “Park Jae-sang, better known by his stage name PSY, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, and… Continue reading Social Discourse: Gangnam Style

Electronic Warfare · Information operations · North Korea · Russia

GPS Jamming by North Korea?

Reputedly North Korea has at least 20 different GPS jamming devices from Russia and recent reports claim a US reconnaissance aircraft was forced to land as a result of GPS jamming. US officials are denying the claim by the Yonhap News Agency. The author doubts the North Koreans have the capability to project the necessary energy to generate the necessary power.