Information Warfare · Russia

Report: Russia tried to hack French presidential candidate

French centrist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron will face Marine Le Pen, who wants to lift economic sanctions imposed on Russia. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

Russia is forever damned by their infiltration into US DNC and DCCC servers in the midst of the 2016 election campaign. 

Even if somebody else is proven to be hacking, Russia will be the first blamed. 

Russia has earned a well-deserved reputation for excessive pride, extreme lying, lust for power, overt aggression, complete lawlessness, ruthless corruption, wrath, immorality, envy, unethical behavior, bullying, gluttony, greed, and vanity. 

Funny, the only one of the 7 deadly sins missing is sloth.

</end editorial>

by Joel Gehrke |

Russian-aligned hackers tried to infiltrate the campaign of French presidential election frontrunner Emmanuel Macron, according to a new report from a cybersecurity firm.

“[H]ackers set up multiple Internet addresses that mimicked those of the campaign’s own servers in an attempt to lure Mr. Macron’s staffers into turning over their network passwords, said Feike Hacquebord, a senior threat researcher at Tokyo-based Trend Micro and the author of the report,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Macron is the centrist favorite in the French presidential election runoff and will face Marine Le Pen, a far-right opponent who wants to lift economic sanctions imposed on Russia and withdraw France from the integrated NATO command. The hackers used techniques similar to the ones employed when documents were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, which were leaked to the press throughout the 2016 general election, according to the report.

The hacking effort took place in March. “As soon as we saw the intrusion attempts, we took measures to block access,” Macron campaign digital director Mounir Mahjoubi said.

The report, released one day after Le Pen and Macron advanced to the presidential election runoff, could help Macron unite his defeated rivals’ supporters in an attempt to defeat Le Pen. “Abstention is not in my genes, especially when an extremist party is close to power,” Francois Fillon, a onetime front-runner whose candidacy was undone by corruption allegations, said following Sunday’s results. “There is no other choice but to vote against the far right.”


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